Michael Jordan’s Most Powerful Life Lessons For When You Feel Like a Failure

Michael Jordan is the type of celebrity who does not need an introduction. His unrivaled achievements and hard work have elevated him to the status of a living legend, one of the most influential players of all time.

ESPN and Netflix produced The Last Dance, a sports documentary, in April of this year. The miniseries follows Michael Jordan’s career with the Chicago Bulls. It illustrates everything from the tremendous effort, hard work, and dedication that propelled MJ and his team to six NBA championships.

Chicago Bulls- Michael Jordan over the years: 1995 return, before  championship season, an… | Michael jordan, Michael jordan chicago bulls,  Michael jordan basketball
Jordan has long been regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time, but things could have turned out quite differently if the star had not accepted failure as a necessary part of his achievement.

He wasn’t born a champion, nor did he have natural talent for basketball. But he did have something that distinguishes a champion from the typical player: he is tenacious and has never, ever given up when he sets his mind to do something.

When we fail, we become discouraged and hesitant to attempt again. This is normal behavior for most of us, but not for the basketball star. So here are five life lessons you can take from Michael Jordan that will alter your outlook on failure.

1. Failure is the natural pathway to achievement.

As previously indicated, MJ is not new to failure. Perhaps the most significant failure that shaped who he is today occurred while he was still in high school. He was cut from the varsity basketball team because he lacked skill and height.

This type of news would most likely end any teenager’s goal of becoming a professional basketball player. Most would probably give up and try something else. Imagine if Jordan had decided right then and there that basketball was not for him.

23 Life Lessons from MJ - STRONG-ATHLETE.COM
What did he do instead? He wiped away his tears and practiced until he was good enough. He did not let his coach determine his future profession. From a young age, he realized that failure does not define a person, but rather the ability to rise up and try again.
2. If you want something badly enough, you will get it.

Jordan’s previous head coach at the University of North Carolina told a story about the player’s drive to be the best. He recalls him saying, “I’ll show you, no one will ever work as hard as I do.” He maintained his commitment.

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When you want anything, you must recognize that you must devote your entire life to obtaining it. There will be challenges, but overcoming them is critical for your development. If you want something strongly enough, you will be willing to learn and put in the necessary time and effort. You may not receive it exactly when you desire, but you will eventually.