QB Dak Prescott designs custom art for 9-year-old Cowboys fan’s new prosthetic leg



Kaysin Potts, a 9-year-old Dallas Cowboys fan, got a prosthetic limb with personalized artwork by Dak Prescott and his buddy Jeremiah Jhass. Prescott worked with Dallas’ non-profit Scottish Rite for Children pediatric orthopedic facility to develop Potts’ unique limb.


Prescott liked the prosthetic limb and matching paintings with Potts. Prescott sent Potts an emotional note saying he inspires him.

Potts checks out his the designs on his new leg.

What’s up, Kaysin, buddy? Seeing it humbles me. You have some of my tattoos on your new leg. Really cool, dude. You inspire me,” Prescott remarked in a social media video.

The Dallas Cowboys invited Potts and his family to visit The Star in Frisco, their headquarters and practice facility, after he received the new prosthetic limb.

Potts met Prescott and CeeDee Lamb and showed them his new leg art. Prescott hugged and smiled at Potts, giving him a new Cowboys jersey and gameday hand warmer.

Prescott and Lamb signed Potts’ new prosthetic leg.





What is Amniotic Band Syndrome

Fox 4 KDFW in north Texas reports that Potts was born with amniotic band syndrome.When fibrous bands in the amniotic sac encircle a growing baby, amniotic band syndrome develops. This causes swelling and may block blооd flow or stunt bоdily development. In extreme circumstances, restriction may need in-utero amputation.The etiology of amniotic band syndrome is unclear, although the National Organization for Rare Disorders offers information.