Sadio Mane built gas stations and post offices, and subsidized poor students

 Sadio Mane has just decided to leave Liverpool after 6 seasons full of titles but has never turned his back on the poor rural village of Bambali that once supported him and his family.

Deciding to leave Liverpool to move to Bayern Munich with a £35 million contract, Sadio Mane not only satisfied his desire to conquer one of the most attractive tournaments in Europe. Liverpool is fiercely strengthening its forces to compete for the highest rankings in both the domestic and international arenas, and coach Jurgen Klopp’s plan seems to leave no room for the old guys in attack. ” like Sadio Mane or Roberto Firmino.

Sadio Mane built a gas station and post office, subsidized poor students - Photo 1.

Sadio Mane officially left Liverpool to join Bayern Munich

Joining Bayern Munich at this time, Sadio Mane could be a replacement for Robert Lewandowski when the Polish striker is looking to join Barcelona in La Liga. The deal with the “Gray Tigers” also brought financial benefits to Mane when in addition to his salary increasing at least one and a half times, he also received a quite generous kickback.

Sadio Mane built a gas station and post office, subsidized poor students - Photo 2.

Mane and the Senegal team won the 2022 African Cup

Being one of the African football stars with the highest salary today, this does not mean that Sadio Mane does not… need money, but needs more. Over the past few years, with income from soccer in Europe, Mane has often returned to visit the village of Bambali on the outskirts of Sedhiou province, southwest of Senegal to support the place where he was born.

Sadio Mane built a gas station and post office, subsidized poor students - Photo 3.

The school was built with Mane’s own money

In 2019, Mane spent 250,000 pounds to build a school in this village of about 2,000 residents, then last year, he transferred 500,000 pounds to the village to build a new hospital. Every month, Mane gives each family in Bambali 60 pounds to spend, an amount that is very meaningful to poor people. He also equipped laptops, donated sports clothes to the school and awarded scholarships worth 300 pounds to the best students in the village, encouraging them to study to change their fate.

Sadio Mane built a gas station and post office, subsidized poor students - Photo 4.

The gas station grew at the top of the village

During his latest visit to Bambali village, Sadio Mane spent money to build a gas station and installed equipment to provide free 4G Internet to the entire village. In the near future, he also plans to spend money to build a new post office building, completely changing the face of the old poor village.

Sadio Mane built a gas station and post office, subsidized poor students - Photo 5.

Mane attended the opening ceremony of the gas station

Living in an environment where every player has a lot of money and many people fall into frivolous entertainment with unpredictable consequences, including being forced to retire early or go to jail, Sadio Mane is a typical example of “” “public people” are simple, altruistic and thoughtful of the difficult life situations around them. No one has ever heard Mane buy expensive cars or multi-million pound real estate purchases, but have only ever seen him use an old cell phone, only enough to make calls or text messages.